Bear breaks into home, steals frozen lasagna out of freezer
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Bear breaks into home, steals frozen lasagna out of freezer

Oct 23, 2023



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A bear’s gotta eat!

A black bear broke into a home in Barkhamsted, Connecticut, last week — and seemingly satisfied his cravings.

Homeowner Helena Richardson captured the moment on her Ring security camera, which she posted on Facebook.

Footage showed the bear breaking in through a screen door, arriving at the kitchen and 35 minutes later, leaving through the kitchen window.

The Ring showed the bear first in the home’s foyer and eventually turning toward the kitchen, where it went straight for the fridge.

When the bear-y hungry animal got to the refrigerator, it stood up on its hind legs, opened the freezer drawer and immediately took a frozen lasagna by the mouth.

Once the bear got his Italian meal, it used the open freezer drawer to hop up and escape out the window. The black bear got through the window, landed on the back porch and walked away with its dinner.

Richardson knew no one was supposed to be home at the time, so when she got a notification from her Ring she curiously opened it and saw it was the bear.

“You can see him going from room to room, as comfortable as I am in my house,” she told CBS 58.

“It’s very hard to believe,” Richardson said. “My mom made me some lasagna, I left it in the freezer and the bear just, you know, took it.”

Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection always reminds residents to be “bear aware.”

According to DEEP, bears broke into homes in Connecticut nearly 70 times last year.

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